[email protected] • • 877-799-3433 2 FMM2022AmpLeadGen Being a financial services professional goes far beyond creating investment and retirement income plans. There is also a great deal of marketing involved because even the best strategies won’t work if you don’t have prospects or clients to present them to. However, marketing your financial services business can take a lot of time—time that could be better spent helping individuals and families with their wealth creation and protection objectives. It is estimated that it takes an average of 10 “touches” to convert a lead into an actual client—a process that can go on for months or even years before you make a sale—and even then, there is no guarantee. These contacts can take on many forms, such as emails, social media posts, phone calls, direct mail, in-person meetings, and/or online webinars or conference calls. Setting all of these up can be a full-time job of its own. The good news is that there are ways to supercharge your leads so that you can bring in more customers without taking away from the value you provide as a financial advisor. This guide will show you how you can more quickly and easily supercharge your leads without sacrificing the other important aspects of your business.
[email protected] • • 877-799-3433 3 FMM2022AmpLeadGen Steps for Converting Leads Into Customers Prospecting is arguably the most crucial component of the overall sales process. Yet, while nurturing prospective clients has the possibility of paying off nicely in the future, there is still no guarantee that everyone you talk to or meet with will become your customer. However, what you do in the initial stages of contact with an individual(s) is a critical component of how your efforts will (or won’t) ultimately work. Today, many financial advisors rely on automated marketing tactics like DRIP campaigns. These are communication strategies that send, or “drip,” a prewritten set of messages to prospects or customers over a certain period. Unfortunately, though, when you go this route, it is easy for recipients to ignore or even delete these emails—that is unless you take additional steps to draw them in and let them know that you not only understand their needs but that you can also help to solve them successfully. A big part of this entails first determining your target market and what type of clients you want to work with. You can narrow down your marketing efforts to focus on the right people and gear your communication to “speak” directly to them. These steps to supercharging your lead conversion rate should ideally include: • Following up quickly • Asking questions • Being persistent • Getting right to the point • Personalizing • Targeting prospects with relevant content • Drawing on relevant third-party information • Engaging the Prospect(s) in the Process • Knowing when it is time to let go and move on
[email protected] • • 877-799-3433 4 FMM2022AmpLeadGen One of the biggest keys to success in converting leads into clients is following up quickly. Most people have heard the phrase, “Strike while the iron is hot.” This holds true when you’re working to obtain clients, especially if you’ve piqued their interest with your initial communications. The opposite is also true, though. Hence, the more time that goes by after a prospect has been exposed to your initial message(s), the chances of them becoming your client will decrease— often even if it has only been a few hours. With that in mind, as soon as you have identified a lead, make sure that you follow up with them as soon as possible. your prospect are almost 7 times more likely to engage in a meaningful conversation if you contact them in the first hour. People enjoy talking about themselves, their families, and other things important to them. Given that, asking questions of your prospects can help you be more successful in turning them into clients. Remember, meeting with a prospect is similar to meeting with anyone else, so it is essential to show them that you want to know what is important to them and that you can also create a plan for them to achieve their desired goals. To obtain the most thorough information that can help you assist your prospects (and convert them into clients), you need to make sure that the questions you ask are “open ended.” This refers to questions that require a more detailed answer rather than a simple yes or no. Some of the most important questions that you can ask a potential client include: • What is your biggest financial concern? • When do you hope to retire? • How much risk are you comfortable taking with your money? • What type of financial planning have you already done (if any)? • What type of activities do you plan to engage in during retirement (i.e., volunteering at a favorite charity, traveling domestically or Following Up Quickly Asking Questions
[email protected] • • 877-799-3433 5 FMM2022AmpLeadGen internationally, purchasing a beach house, spending more time with loved ones, etc.)? • What does your ideal retirement look like? Additional questions to ask should include how and when an individual wishes to be contacted, such as the following: • How would you best prefer to be contacted—through email, text, and/ or phone? • What time of day is best for contacting you—morning, afternoon, or evening? • Is it ok to contact you on weekends and/or after traditional business hours? When the prospect(s) is answering the questions you ask, make sure that you are genuinely interested in what they say. This can help you to establish a better connection with them, as well as to build up trust. Once you have found out what is essential to the prospect, you can then build your solution(s) around moving them closer to their goals and solving various issues or challenges that may come up along the way. To make the most of your (and your prospect’s) time, make sure that you are prepared with the specific questions you’re going to ask and that you don’t get too far off track if the discussion veers off-topic. In addition, after you have converted a prospect into a client, don’t forget about them. Checking in regularly can help you to determine if the plan you have developed is still on track. It can also show that you care about them, which can keep your connection strong, and less likely that they will move their business elsewhere.
[email protected] • • 877-799-3433 6 FMM2022AmpLeadGen If you cannot follow up quickly with a prospect, do so as soon as possible—and be persistent. In other words, don’t give up if you can’t get through to someone on the phone right away. It is highly unlikely that you will contact a prospect one time and immediately make a sale or convert them into a long-term client right away. Therefore, following up is essential whether you reach out to your target market via email, phone, or in person. Today, people are busy. They are also deluged with thousands of messages that are all vying for their attention throughout the day. When you follow up with prospects, though, as opposed to only contacting them once or twice, you Being Persistent can maintain yourself in their conscious memory. While you do not want to inundate anyone with calls or other communications (which, in some cases, could get your phone number and/or email address blocked by the recipient), studies have shown that the possibility of making contact rises from approximately 30% on the first attempt to roughly 90% on the sixth. One way to look at this is to focus on being “pleasantly persistent,” meaning that your goal is to keep your name in front of a potential customer without seeming desperate to connect with them.
[email protected] • • 877-799-3433 7 FMM2022AmpLeadGen Because many people these days have schedules that are packed full, they appreciate communication that is short, direct, and to the point. Therefore, when coming up with your email messages and phone call outlines, consider that “less is more.” This allows the prospect to determine the point of your communication quickly, and it also lets them know that you are respectful of their time. Drafting your message, then, should ideally begin with outlining the specific point of your message and the action you want the prospect to take after reading or hearing it. For instance, is setting an appointment for an in-person or video meeting with the prospect the primary purpose? Is it to provide more details regarding potential wealth protection or retirement income strategy? Different desired actions can require different calls to action. However, each of your communications should only have one single clear call to action. Otherwise, it can be highly confusing for the recipient to determine what they are supposed to do next—and Getting Right to the Point often, when the next step isn’t clearly stated or is too complicated, people will take no action at all. Getting right to the point with your communication can also mean: • Avoiding any unnecessary industryrelated jargon • Not over-explaining concepts and other details While you may have a great deal of experience in the financial services arena, your prospects might not. So, using industry-related jargon like the terms P/E ratio, diversification, and asset allocation won’t be impressive to potential clients. In fact, it could have just the opposite effect—especially if they are intimidated and fearful that they won’t understand what you’ll be doing with their money! The same holds true about overexplaining concepts and other details. In this case, while you certainly want to educate your prospects and clients regarding how various strategies work, studies have shown that keeping emails and other forms of communication at a grade school level can garner more success.
[email protected] • • 877-799-3433 8 FMM2022AmpLeadGen Everyone wants to be recognized and feel like they matter. Therefore, personalizing the interactions that you have with leads can help them to bond with you, as well as develop trust. This is particularly important during the early stages of your communication with them. Multiple research studies have shown the effectiveness of personalization, including a study conducted by Experian, which revealed a 27% increase in open rates for emails with personalized subject lines. Further, it has also been found that having a personalized subject line on your emails to prospects (and clients) may improve “click through” rates by an average of 14%. It can also increase the conversion rate from prospect to a client by 10%. So, it is well worth it to “speak” directly to the recipients of your messages because doing so can make a significant difference in the outcome. Statistics have shown that, based on where they are in the buying process, targeting individuals with content relevant to their unique and specific needs can lead to a 72% higher conversion rate from prospect to client. This content can come in several different formats, such as: • Ads • Website pages • Emails Moreover, different people prefer different types of communication. So, while one person may like to receive notifications via text, others may feel that method is too obtrusive and would prefer that you send them an email that they can open at their discretion. Personalizing Targeting Prospects with Relevant Content
[email protected] • • 877-799-3433 9 FMM2022AmpLeadGen When a prospect is actually engaged in the overall process, this can help to increase the chances of them becoming a client. One reason for this is that they have already essentially started the process. Some of the ways that you can “draw prospects in” and engage them include the following: Having them complete a survey or checklist regarding the financial planning they have already done (if any) • Providing them with a blank budget to fill out (which can show where any “gaps” between their income and expenses may be) • Asking them to outline what their ideal retirement looks like With every action the prospect takes, they become more “invested” in the process, and in turn, they are more likely to follow the solution(s) you provide for them that could help them meet their ultimate goals. Once you get to know a prospect better and feel for their financial issues and objectives, it can help draw on relevant articles and other third-party information to help move them closer to a buying decision. For instance, if a prospect is concerned about running out of income in retirement, and you believe that an annuity could help them to solve that problem, then you could show them studies, articles, and/or other information from reliable and respected sources, such as popular publications or websites, that back up your suggestions and solutions. Doing so can also show the prospect(s) that you aren’t just trying to sell them an irrelevant product, but rather you are showing them a tool that could truly provide them with reliable sources of income for the remainder of their lifetime…and that experts in the field agree with this solution as well. Taking it a step further, if there are any published articles that you have written, either online or offline, and/or if you are the author of a book that is related to what your prospects are looking for, providing copies of this can also help to boost your credibility in the eyes of potential customers substantially. Engaging the Prospect(s) in the Process Drawing on Relevant Third-Party Information
[email protected] • • 877-799-3433 10 FMM2022AmpLeadGen The hard reality of working in any salesrelated position is that no matter how much you know that your product or service can help someone, not everybody will become your customer. It is estimated that 30 days is ideal for actively nurturing leads before you place them into a more passive drip campaign that keeps them in your contact list but on a less frequent basis. This 30-day window of time should give you ample time to obtain more information about the prospect(s) and determine their level of interest in moving forward with you as their advisor. Spending too much time on those who are mere “tire kickers” can result in lost income for you and the possibility of you missing out on bringing in other individuals who truly want to work with you. Knowing When It Is Time to Move On
[email protected] • • 877-799-3433 11 FMM2022AmpLeadGen When are Prospects Ready to Move Forward? Strategies for Turning Prospects into Clients Although it can differ from one person to another, some statistics roughly show the odds of converting a lead into a client. For instance, according to the Insurance Agency Marketing Services, Inc. (IAMS), between 30% and 50% of leads that enter a marketing “pipeline” are qualified. However, they are still not yet ready to purchase or become a client. Of those leads who are not ready to purchase, between 15% and 20% of them will typically convert, provided that they are nurtured (i.e., followed up with regularly). In fact, according to MarketingSherpa, 79% of leads that do not convert state a lack of nurturing as the primary reason for not moving forward. With that in mind, it is essential that you use the strategies outlined above to keep your name in front of potential clients and don’t give up too soon. Taking on these tasks can be time-consuming, though, so it can help if you have a “guide” or experienced partner to whom you can delegate these marketing activities—and ideally, one that is well-versed in the financial services and retirement planning industry. Today’s communication is far different than it was just a few decades ago. Today, given the long list of electronic devices that people refer to multiple times each day, it makes sense to incorporate digital marketing into your overall strategy for converting prospects into clients. Digital marketing can include elements like recurring email campaigns and social media campaigns on popular websites like LinkedIn. Yet, because the world wide web can also be fraught with fraud and scams, you’ll want to ensure that potential customers know that you and your business are relevant. That is where platforms like Credkeeper—a method of verifying your credibility—can be extremely useful. Even though online marketing can be much more convenient for both the marketer and the intended audience, some individuals prefer to be contacted “the old-fashioned way,” such as through direct mail. This is particularly the case for those in the older segment of the Baby Boomer generation. So, having a good mix of digital and offline marketing can be an essential part of your overall strategy for supercharging your leads and turning potential customers into long-term, happy clients.
[email protected] • • 877-799-3433 12 FMM2022AmpLeadGen Knowing which marketing tools to use can be just as important—or possibly even more so—than what your message actually says. One reason for this is that you could offer timely and informative data, but if it isn’t adequately provided and/or doesn’t reach your target market, it won’t matter. In addition, it is estimated that you only have 15 seconds to capture an online message recipient’s attention before they move on to something else. So, if your message doesn’t immediately interest or engage them, you could be missing out on opportunities and income generation. One of the best ways to increase your reach—and find prospects who are in your target market—is to take advantage of the vast reach of the Internet. Doing so can get the word out to prospects, as well as help you to narrow down the particular segment of individuals and families that your financial advice may benefit the most— and the best way to get these potential customers to call or come through your door is to speak directly to them. In fact, a robust online marketing strategy can better position you to attract your ideal clients and weed out those who are not a good fit for your business. So, the right type of online marketing promotion can essentially lead to a win-win situation for everyone involved. Digital Marketing Some of the most popular and potentially successful forms of digital marketing include: • Email campaigns • Social media campaigns • Credkeeper
[email protected] • • 877-799-3433 13 FMM2022AmpLeadGen An email campaign is a sequence of marketing efforts that contact multiple recipients at one time. Email campaigns are designed to reach out to individuals at the right time in the sales process and provide them with valuable content and possible solutions to their needs. Using email campaigns can allow you to build deep and trusting relationships with recipients, and they can play a crucial role in helping you convert prospects into clients. But it is important to note that not just any email will work. Instead, the messages must be appropriately drafted to guide the recipient towards a specific call to action. It can help to have email templates available for the various messages you want to send out to prospects. These can differ based on where the prospect is in the overall sales process and where they fall in terms of being part of your target market. In many cases, you may want to personalize and plug in certain details on the nature of—as well as the discussions with—the recipient(s). As an example, a possible email template that could be used after you’ve spoken to the prospect once is the following: Dear <Name>: Thank you for taking the opportunity to share your financial goals with me today. While planning for retirement can be an overwhelming process, I want you to know that I am here to make sure that you are in the best position to achieve your retirement goals. I know how important this is to you. You had mentioned some concerns about <the items that you discussed>. I have attached some helpful information here about <the issue(s)> for you to look over. Take some time to read through the materials and I will follow up with you on <date of next call or appointment>. If something else comes up or if you have any additional questions, please feel free to reach out to me before then. My number is <XXX-XXX-XXXX> and my direct email address is <email address>. Once again, thank you very much for your time. Sincerely, <Your Name and Email Address> Email Campaigns
[email protected] • • 877-799-3433 14 FMM2022AmpLeadGen Based on the previous interaction with a prospect, the type and wording of the email you follow up with will differ. For instance, to keep your name in front of them, you could send a short email that also provides added value, such as an article or other content that is relevant to their objectives, like the one below: Dear <Name>: I came across this <article / content> and thought you might benefit from reading it, as it relates to your retirement concerns, like the points we talked about in our previous conversation(s) – along with some interesting insights. Take a look, and let’s plan to talk in more detail soon. Sincerely, <Your Name and Email Address>
[email protected] • • 877-799-3433 15 FMM2022AmpLeadGen Social Media / LinkedIn If you spend any amount of time on the Internet, you are likely aware that social media websites like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn can provide a great way to connect with others—both for personal and business relationships. Over the past two decades, social media has changed the way we live and work, from how we interact with friends and family to how we work and earn an income—and it is anticipated that this mode of communication is continuing to grow exponentially. Communicating through social media has become easier and more convenient, as these websites and their corresponding mobile apps (applications) can be accessed from various devices, including desktop computers, laptops, smartphones, and tablets. With social media becoming more integrated into our day-to-day lives, there are numerous opportunities for business owners, including financial advisors, to reach out to their target audience through this type of marketing. Of those marketers currently using this promotion strategy, over 70% feel that it has been somewhat or very effective. So, as a financial advisor, you can take advantage of the vast reach of social media websites to target your ideal customers, and in turn, increase your client base, your assets under management, your firm’s revenue, and ultimately your income. Studies have shown that roughly 85% of financial advisors use social media in some way to generate leads and enhance their marketing efforts. Financial advisors can educate prospects and clients using various social media platforms and drive potential customers back to their own websites. By allowing financial professionals to establish expertise and build their reputation, using social media marketing techniques can both maximize and expedite the new customer onboarding process. This can give you more time to focus on actually working with clients rather than constantly chasing after them. In 2021, more than 50% of social media users accessed various platforms for researching products and services they were considering buying. In addition, over 70% of consumers who have had a positive experience with a brand on social media were likely to recommend the company, the product, and/or the service to their family and/or friends.
[email protected] • • 877-799-3433 16 FMM2022AmpLeadGen Therefore, having a presence on one or more social media websites can help you and your financial services practice to stay in front of potential clients, especially if you serve your customers well and they provide reviews or other positive feedback online. Different social media sites can give businesses access to cost-effective marketing that allows them to: • Interact with a specific, targeted group of potential clients • Build brand loyalty Each social media platform has different target audiences, so not all of these sites are exactly the same. For instance, some social media websites focus on sharing photos and videos with friends and family, while others cater to a more business-oriented user. With that in mind, it is a good idea to know how your prospects want to be marketed to and which social media sites they tend to frequent. For instance, LinkedIn is one of the leading platforms for financial advisors to promote their business and services. Approximately 57% of professionals in this field use the LinkedIn platform to educate and connect with their audience. As of early 2021, there were more than 660 million LinkedIn members, including over 30 million companies and businesses. According to LinkedIn, this website’s growth rate is measured by roughly two new members joining every second of the day. Although most of LinkedIn’s users are located in Europe, the site actually generates most of its traffic—more than 32%—from users based in the United States. It is estimated that each connection made on LinkedIn can introduce you to an average of 400 new people. In addition, when you market your business via LinkedIn, your brand has a better chance of reaching and connecting with working professionals. LinkedIn is also the number one platform for Fortune 500 companies. So, this can help you with growing your financial advisory practice. If you target business owners and professionals as clients for your services, LinkedIn is considered the preferred content distribution channel for B2B (business to business) marketers. Because LinkedIn is more of a businessrelated website, it can be a good lead generator for financial advisors. In fact, for roughly 94% of B2B marketers, LinkedIn is the first channel they use when they want to distribute content to various social media sites.
[email protected] • • 877-799-3433 17 FMM2022AmpLeadGen Likewise, this social media platform is also the number one choice for professional content. In this case, more than 90% of marketers use LinkedIn as their go-to social media website when they want to access professionally relevant information. Both free and paid advertising options are available through LinkedIn. In the latter case, LinkedIn Premium allows you to target specific individuals based on their job title or geographic location. You can then contact these leads directly through LinkedIn’s InMail feature. According to LinkedIn, senders get a 300% response rate from the website’s InMails compared to other email or messaging platforms. LinkedIn’s InMail also offers you exclusivity. In addition, the recipients of your messages in this channel can easily click on your LinkedIn profile to learn more about you, your firm, and your services. If you have a blog or other form of content marketing, you could use the LinkedIn publishing feature to enhance the results that you get from this. The LinkedIn publishing feature allows you to showcase your content, helping you establish yourself as an expert in the financial services industry. People are typically more willing to work with a professional they perceive as an expert or a specialist versus someone more of a generalist. B2B blogs and websites also get 90% of their social traffic from Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn, but it is LinkedIn that drives roughly half of this traffic. With that in mind, LinkedIn can be a suitable social media option whether you are targeting consumers or businesses as your ideal clients. In fact, studies have shown that aside from email and the telephone, LinkedIn is the next best channel for sales representatives, including insurance and financial advisors, who want to connect with prospects. In many cases, social media users have an account with more than one platform. In the case of LinkedIn, approximately 90% of the site’s users also have a Facebook account. Another 94% of LinkedIn members use YouTube, and 57% use Instagram. Therefore, there may also be some cross-marketing opportunities for you and your financial advisory practice.
[email protected] • • 877-799-3433 18 FMM2022AmpLeadGen Credkeeper™ If you have a website that highlights the services you offer and your credentials, the keywords that you use in your page content may help attract your ideal customers. The content can also help or hinder how and where you appear in search engine results. Many internet users are aware that Google is an internet search engine that uses a proprietary algorithm designed to retrieve and order search results to provide the most relevant and dependable sources of data possible. Google uses many factors to determine the results of internet searches. These include the concept of expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness (or E-A-T). According to Google, “For all other pages that have a beneficial purpose, the amount of expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness (E-A-T) is very important.” Because of that, you need to understand and follow the E-A-T concept when creating and publishing the content on your website, as it could literally make or break the success of your search engine optimization (SEO). The term “online presence” refers to all activity and content that an entity, a person, or a business, has under its name on the Internet. This includes any piece of information that is created by or about the person or company. However, there is a big difference between your company’s “owned” online presence and your “earned” online presence. For instance, the former refers to all of the content that you create on the Internet under your company’s name.
[email protected] • • 877-799-3433 19 FMM2022AmpLeadGen But in the latter, your “earned” online presence is what other people are saying about you. This can be in any online format and on any platform on which people choose to talk about you, such as tweets, video reviews, and answers on Quora. If certain guidelines are followed when creating and publishing the content that you control, or your owned online presence, your website and pages could rank high in Google’s searches, which can help more of your ideal customers find you. Further, the more presentable your business looks on the Internet, the more likely people will be to trust you and your company. This is the case, even if your business does not sell any products or services online. Take, for instance, a financial services practice. People will likely search for investment advisors, retirement planners, and other types of financial professionals online before making an appointment. Therefore, not being active online can cost you potential customers and may even leave your ideal clients with no choice but to work with your competitors instead. So, having a positive online presence can still help you sell more offline. But there is a right and a wrong way to do it. While many individuals can “sell” financial tools and strategies, your expertise, authority, and trustworthiness will make clients want to move forward in working with you. One way to enhance this is by partnering with Credkeeper. Credkeeper is a patent-pending application that can help you increase your online credibility, reputation, and perceived expertise. This can increase the trust that prospects and clients have in you, your recommendations, your advice, and your services. There are several ways that Credkeeper does this, such as by: • Generating more high-quality leads using an integrated marketing approach • Enhancing your client relationships via consistent communication, which emphasizes your authority and expertise • Helping you succeed and grow your business, all with less effort, as well as a higher closing ratio on business
[email protected] • • 877-799-3433 20 FMM2022AmpLeadGen At Credkeeper, more than 1 million words of content are published each year. That kind of volume can create a great deal of online traffic, and a significant portion of its website visitors become interested prospective clients. So, the better your online credibility, the more leads you can receive if you use Credkeeper. Credkeeper’s proven and effective marketingcampaignsandleadgeneration systems can be combined with the patent-pending software applications that enhance the visibility and credibility of licensed insurance, financial, and estate planning professionals. But there is so much more to the Credkeeper application than just leads. For example, in addition to offering you a professionally designed website, Credkeeper can also provide customized videos, mailing list solutions, lead generation, press releases, author pages, on-site advertising, social media automation, and mailing list and brand identity solutions that all work together to bring you more prospects and clients. Using Credkeeper, you can gain more control over your online presence with better listings on more websites. You will also have more visibility, collect more leads, and garner more credibility to close those leads more consistently. In addition, Credkeeper can even ghostwrite content for you, publish the content on online news channels and industry-leading websites, and ensure that your prospects and clients see you as the go-to authority in your chosen niche. Turning over your website marketing to an expert in this area can better ensure that your content meets Google’s standards, that you are perceived as an expert and an authority, and that you are trustworthy. This, in turn, can help you to generate more clients and more business. Credkeeper automatically reads, enhances, publishes, and shares content to affiliated and non-affiliated websites and social media platforms, allowing your web content to be more searchable while focusing on what you do best.
[email protected] • • 877-799-3433 21 FMM2022AmpLeadGen This patented software application influences how your prospects and clients interact with your brand online. Your expertise and authority are what you offer clients as a primary reason to hire or buy from you. Credkeeper closely manages how you are perceived, which can greatly enhance your trust, thus transforming your business, and ultimately helping you win more clients. This platform helps you attract prospects and drives engagement with high-quality, high-converting, personalized content. It does so in several ways, including: • Using expert sources for your website’s content, such as professional societies, reputable organizations, news articles, blog posts, magazine articles, forum discussions, and ratings from independent organizations • Having a beneficial purpose to the website or page visitor on all of the content that is created • Implementing an SSL certificate* on your site, which is used in many of Google’s scoring signals, with roughly 70% of first page results using this tactic • Meeting Google’s E-A-T quality standards • Choosing blogs that have authority • Creating great content to establish your expertise—authors who write for expert publications in a particular industry like financial services may provide the boost that is needed for getting to the top page of Google’s search results • Helping the frequency with which an author’s name comes up in a website search—which is another critical factor in Google’s criteria • Publishing fresh, consistent content on a daily or monthly basis for you via RSS feed.
[email protected] • • 877-799-3433 22 FMM2022AmpLeadGen Credkeeper makes it more likely that your prospects will engage with you and more likely that they will call you back, return your email(s), agree to an appointment, and most importantly, become a client and do business with you. Going this route can allow you to generate more leads online with no added time requirements while at the same time focusing on providing the same excellent advisory services to your clients. In some cases, using direct mail can be a viable strategy for turning leads into your clients. Although physical mailers are not the “newest” marketing technique in the industry, they still continue to produce significant results, provided that you have the right mailer list. Using a program that builds a custom mailing list, focuses on your specific target market, and puts your message in front of those most likely to buy from you can significantly enhance your opportunity for success. Direct Mail
[email protected] • • 877-799-3433 23 FMM2022AmpLeadGen Drawing on Expert Strategies for Success With your primary focus on providing financial advice to clients, it can make a lot of sense to delegate other tasks, especially ones that can be timeconsuming, like setting up online and email marketing campaigns. This is true for marketing and posting on social media websites like LinkedIn. The Internet offers the opportunity for financial advisors to market locally and across the country, and even around the globe. But unless customers feel that you are knowledgeable and trustworthy, your business might not stand out from the competition, and in turn, you will be passed over. The good news is that you do not have to be an expert on social media, website building, IT, email generating, or online marketing when you can instead partner with a team of specialists who can handle this aspect of your business for you, while you focus on what it is that you do best. At Financial Media & Marketing, our team possesses decades of combined experience and a highly evolved understanding of how to market your financial advisory business effectively. Financial Media & Marketing offers a wide range of other services for marketing your financial advisory practice, too, including: • Social media marketing campaigns • Search engine optimization (SEO) • Website copy and other copywriting services • Custom content generation • Brand identity • Customized video production • Website building • Lead generation • Customized mailing lists So, by allowing Financial Media & Marketing to focus on what they do best, you can focus on your key strengths and work with your ideal target customers.
[email protected] • • 877-799-3433 24 FMM2022AmpLeadGen Are You Ready to Increase Your Client Base Without Adding More Work Hours to Your Schedule? Are you ready to market your financial services business from a whole new perspective while at the same time giving yourself more time to actually meet and work with prospects and clients? If so, contact Financial Media & Marketing today to find out more about how we can help. You can find more information on our services by visiting our website at, or you can call us directly at (877) 799-3433. You can also book a call with us where we will answer any questions that you may have by going to We look forward to hearing from you and assisting you with converting more of your leads into customers without you having to add any additional time or output to your business.
[email protected] • • 877-799-3433 25 FMM2022AmpLeadGen About Financial Media & Marketing At Financial Media & Marketing, we look at marketing for the financial industry differently, and we want to help you work smarter, not harder, for your leads. So, we offer top-tier creative and marketing services and turn-key, customized solutions—from SEO to lead generation and large web-based platforms—that elevate your online brand, credibility, and presence. Because when you succeed, we all succeed. Our proven and highly-effective marketing campaigns and lead generation systems can be coupled with our patent-pending software applications that enhance the visibility and credibility of licensed financial professionals. This, in turn, can help you to close more business. When you partner with Financial Media & Marketing, you’re not out there on your own. We partner with carriers, IMOs, FMOs, broker-dealers, RIAs, agencies, and directly with insurance and financial professionals. In addition to leads and marketing, we also help you close more business and develop a consistent flow of referrals from highly qualified prospects. Just some of our other services include: • Website copy creation • Logo and design • Customized videos • On-demand seminars • Mailers • Search engine optimization (SEO) • Custom content creation (for white papers and eBooks) • Brand identity In addition, by using the patent-pending Credkeeper™ software program through Financial Media & Marketing, you’ll have fresh content published for you on a regular basis, as often as every day, via RSS feed on your website. Find out how Financial Media & Marketing can help you. Send us an email by going to [email protected] or call us at (877) 799-3433. You can also visit our website at Credkeeper™ is a trademark of Financial Media & Marketing, LLC.
[email protected] • • 877-799-3433 26 FMM2022AmpLeadGen Financial Media Marketing 4590 Deodar Street Silver Springs, NV 89429 [email protected] (877) 799-3433
Sources Best Ways to Effectively Engage Prospects (and Close More Deals). By Adam Honig. June 7, 2018. Customer Think. 5 Questions You Must Ask Every Prospect. Spiro. June 21, 2016. What is an Email Campaign: Definition and Guide. SendPulse. 10 Social Media Statistics You Need to Know in 2021. [Infographic] 54 of the Most Important LinkedIn Stats for 2022. Google’s E-A-T: Busting 10 of the Biggest Misconceptions. SEJ. What Does Google Mean? Technopedia. Updated May 13, 2020. Everything you need to know about online presence for your business. By Bhavin Turakhia. May 6, 2020. Increase the Chances that a Lead Will Convert. Insurance Agency Marketing Services, Inc. (IAMS) Credkeeper™ Control What the Internet Says About You. It’s All About You. Financial Media & Marketing.
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